Dr Kerry Buchanan
Paediatric Endocrinologist
Paediatric Endocrinology
& Diabetes

Paediatric Endocrinologist

Paediatric Endocrinologist

Paediatric Endocrinologist

Paediatric Endocrinologist
Paediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes offers consultation and multidisciplinary treatment for children and adolescents with diabetes and other endocrine disorders. Our mission is to provide up-to-date and comprehensive care for these children and their families, and to prevent acute and chronic complications of endocrinological conditions. Our services include:
Paediatric Endocrinology
Paediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes are endrocrologists that specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of children with diseases of the endocrine system, such as diabetes and growth disorders. The glands of the endocrine system produce hormones, which are chemical substances that regulate many important body functions.
Paediatric Diabetes
Paediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes are specialists in diagnosis and treatment of children and adolescents with diabetes. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas in unable to make enough insulin to meet the needs of the body.
Insulin pump therapy
Paediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes are specialists in Insulin pump therapy. Insulin pump therapy involves wearing a insulin pump which provides an steady stream of insulin into your body.
Advantages of insulin pump are
Increased flexibility in lifestyle.
Predictable insulin delivery.
Precise insulin delivery.
Ability to accurately deliver 1/10th of a unit of insulin.
Tighter blood glucose control, while reducing the risk of low blood glucose.
Reducing episodes of severe hypoglycemia.
Reducing wide fluctuations in blood glucose.
Helping manage the "dawn phenomenon".